Tide Turners: A Workshop on Using Business to Fuel Spiritual Awakening

At the end of July, I participated in a two-day workshop in San Francisco called Tide Turners. This is the story of what I discovered there. I first met Joe Hudson, the creator and leader of the program, at a Consciousness Hacking meetup dedicated to building products that contribute to self-awareness and sustainability. He led…

MESA Part 5: The Future of Work That MESA Envisions

MESA Co. considers their method not just a problem-solving tool, but an entirely new way of working. As their ambitions have grown, they’ve begun looking toward a future in which this way of conducting work is nothing more than common sense.

In this article, I’ll outline a vision for what the future of work might look like if MESA has its way.

The Ecommerce Influence Podcast: Why You Should Stop Organizing And Build A Second Brain

I recently recorded an interview with Austin Brawner and Andrew Foxwell of Ecommerce Influencers, in which we talked about how capturing and saving knowledge can enhance everything from employee onboarding to marketing to gaining perspective on life. Listen below or click here for show notes and a full transcript:

MESA Part 4: The Origins of MESA

The MESA Method is full of firmly held beliefs and sharp distinctions. To understand why they’re so important, you have to understand where they came from. I recently sat down with Bárbara Soalheiro, the founder and CEO of MESA Co., and Lígia Giatti, her number 2, to try and understand the origins of this new way of working.

Interview with David Nebinski on the Portfolio Career Podcast

Listen to my recent interview on the Portfolio Career podcast, where we talk about my Full-Stack Freelancer Model and the emerging trend of people creating portfolios of multiple income streams, instead of a single monolithic job: Here’s the episode from the podcast website: EPISODE SUMMARY This conversation is with Tiago Forte. Tiago is a thought…

PARA for Teams

Guest post by Nat Eliason I took Tiago’s Building a Second Brain (BASB) and Getting Stuff Done Like a Boss (GSDLAB) courses in the fall of 2017. At the time, I was a solo operator working on my blog and doing some marketing consulting, and the strategies worked perfectly. But over the next year, I…

MESA Part 3: The Art of Unlocking People’s Creative Potential

In Part 2, I laid out what I believe are the 10 principles that MESA Co. uses to fine-tune the working environment.

But what are they fine-tuning the environment for? Unlocking people’s creative potential.

The open secret of MESA (and other Accelerated Work Experiences) is that, beyond the rules and guidelines and structures, their true purpose is to unlock people’s potential to achieve more than they imagined was possible.

Just-in-Time PM #21: Workflow Strategies

Now it’s time to look at the JIT Project Manager’s toolkit. How do we put these ideas into practice in our day to day work?

Through Workflow Strategies, a set of practical techniques for executing modern projects. Here is the full list, according to whether they work better for small or large-scale projects, and what kind of situation they are best suited for.